redemption radio

Episode 10: Neil Volz

Neil Volz is Deputy Director of Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, the group that successfully passed Amendment 4, restoring voting rights to 1+ million returning citizens in Florida.  Today, FRRC provides jobs and pathways to formerly incarcerated people, advocating for policy changes to help returning citizens achieve full community restoration. In this episode, Neil and Thad discuss common themes in their stories, including their demise from powerful jobs into the hands of the criminal justice system, as well as their current work to reform the system.  They discuss working in Congress, the events of January 6, the influence of money in politics, and obstacles to criminal justice reform. Follow Neil Volz and FRRC at the following locations:

Neil Volz on Twitter: @Volzie

Our Voice podcast on FRRC YouTube channel

FRRC on social media: @FLRightsRestore

FRRC website:

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Thad Bereday Headshot

Redemption Radio Host. Former Executive. Previously Incarcerated. Presidentially Pardoned. Criminal Justice Reform Advocate.