redemption radio

Episode 16: Annette Scott

Annette Scott is my yoga teacher! I came to yoga unwittingly, when my life was at a low point, and I felt I had struck bottom. More than any other yoga instructor, Annette showed me how to feel this discomfort, learn to breathe and be present through my feelings and then take the practice of yoga off the mat into real life. Beyond physical exercise, yoga is a practice that shows us how to maintain compassion for others, and for ourselves.

What does yoga have to do with criminal justice reform? Everything! As Annette explains, and Thad shares through his experience, until we can feel compassion for ourselves, we struggle to feel compassion for others. When we show ourselves loving kindness, we develop the capacity to show loving kindness to others. By cultivating grace within ourselves, we show grace to others. The practice of yoga, breath and mindfulness helps us to judge others with compassion and mercy. Thus, the yoga practice of self-care and wellness is essential to the criminal justice system’s goal to impose accountability tempered by mercy and possible redemption. Finally, Annette and Thad discuss how to develop this practice locally, starting with ourselves as individuals, then extending our insight to the broader community and society-at-large.

Follow Annette Scott on Facebook: @annette.k.scott
on Instagram: @annette.k.scott

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Thad Bereday Headshot

Redemption Radio Host. Former Executive. Previously Incarcerated. Presidentially Pardoned. Criminal Justice Reform Advocate.