Thad In the News:

Thad’s First TikTok Post

Thad Bereday has posted on TikTok for the first time! In an effort to reach a broader audience advocating for responsible criminal justice reform, Thad Bereday posted on the popular video sharing site. “Frankly, my kids urged me to do this,” said Thad afterwards. “TikTok is known as an entertainment platform. While my message promoting fairness and mercy is substantial, I will seek supporters where they are.”  Thad’s first video obtained over 3,000 views in the first 24 hours. Currently, the video has over 20,000 views, and Thad has gained over 1,000 followers.

Watch Thad’s first video here and follow Thad on TikTok to see more.

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Redemption Radio Host. Former Executive. Previously Incarcerated. Presidentially Pardoned. Criminal Justice Reform Advocate.